Chaos Engineering alongside LitmusChaos and Jenkins


About the speaker

Akram Riahi

Akram Riahi

Cloud Builder,


Akram Riahi is an SRE with an interest in all things Cloud Native. He is passionate about chaos engineering at scale and is Litmus Chaos leader. A curator of quality tech content, he is the author of several blog posts and organizer of the “Chaos Week” a week-long chaos engineering fest with great speakers aimed at cloud-native community in France.

About the talk

Nowadays, chaos engineering is being enbaled within a lot of companies. Its automation has become a must. In our talk, we will discuss how to integrate chaos enginnering within our jenkins pipeline after QA testing of our application image and before promoting it to production.

The Applications of Non-k8s Chaos Experiments using LitmusChaos
The Applications of Non-k8s Chaos Experiments using LitmusChaos
Resilient access control for cloud-native infrastructure with principles of chaos engineering
Resilient access control for cloud-native infrastructure with principles of chaos engineering


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